Podcasts of Interest

Here are the podcasts that I enjoy listening to. I have varied interests as you can see. I hope you find them as enjoyable as I do. These podcasts can be found on Itunes. I have also included Itunes University podcasts at the bottom. Let me know what you think.

No Agenda

This is a very popular and poignant podcast.  The hosts Adam Curry and John Dvorak breaks down what is going on and tries to show what is going on behind the scenes.  It is THE podcast to listen to if you want to keep up with what is going on and have any idea of what is REALLY going on.  Listen to it, and you can thank me later.


My new favorite podcast is EconTalk with Russ Roberts. He brings on great economists, historians, and political scientists to discuss amazing topics ranging from economic policy impacts of the past to the political economics of power. Check it out, you will learn a lot about many things.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

In "Hardcore History" the very unconventional Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", outside-the-box way of thinking and applies it to the past. Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Adolf Hitler? What would Apaches with modern weapons be like? Will our modern civilization ever fall like civilizations from past eras? This is a difficult-to-classify show that has a rather sharp edge. It's not for everyone. But the innovative style and approach has made "Dan Carlin's Hardcore History" a New Media hit.

Dan Carlin's Common Sense

Common Sense with Dan Carlin is an independent look at politics and current events from popular New Media personality Dan Carlin.

The History of Rome - Mike Duncan

My favorite history podcast by far. It is very well researched and gives a wide view of Roman History. The parallels with other historical events are eerie.

Inside State and Local Policy - Mercatus Center

State and Local Policy is a resource for state policy makers, the media, and others with an interest in state issues and innovative solutions to the issues facing all states.


Ancient Greek History - Open Yale Courses
The Truth about American History - Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom - Mises Institute
A New History of Taxation - Charles Adams
Keynes and Keynesianism - Mises Institute
Introduction to Austrian Economics - Joseph T. Salerno
What Has the Government Done to Our Money - Murray N. Rothbard
The History of Political Philosophy - David Gordon
The Fed and War Finance - Mises Institute
The Failure of the New Economics - Henry Hazlitt
European Civilization 1648-1945 - Open Yale Courses
Despots Left and Right: Tyrannies of Our Time - Mises Institute
Defending the Undefendable - Walter Block